Cherry Burton Parish Council


Planning Applications

Planning applications are dealt with by East Riding of Yorkshire Council. All planning applications can be viewed on line - click here to open East Riding of Yorkshire Council's search page.

Cherry Burton Parish Council is usually consulted on planning applications and East Riding of Yorkshire Council will take our views into account when considering the application. However, they must also consider statutory planning guidance and the views of other statutory organisations and residents. You can read our responses in our meeting minutes or on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council's planning portal.

East Riding Local Plan

The East Riding Local Plan comprises a number of different documents with policies to address key planning issues, as well as policies that allocate land for specific uses. It is the starting point for determining planning applications. 

Neighbourhood planning

is a key part of the Government’s Localism agenda. It aims to give local communities greater power to shape development by taking a more active role in the development of planning policies at a local level.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

A Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new developments, which the council is considering introducing. The money raised will help to pay for infrastructure needed as a result of new development within the East Riding. This could include school buildings, green space, flood defences, and transport improvements.

Cherry Burton Conservation Area